Podiatry: Podiatry

Contact Details
Mrs Kim RossatoPh: (03) 5721-2533
email: admin@northeastpodiatry.com.au
website: http://www.northeastpodiatry.com.au
social media: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2198279890300584/
Postal Address
PO Box 686Wangaratta Vic 3676
Site Address
North East Podiatry Benalla67-69 Bridge Street East
Benalla, Victoria 3672
Operating Days & Times
Monday-Friday 8.30am til 5pmSaturdays 8-1
Initial Standard $77Initial Pensioner $72
Standard $67
Standard Pensioner $62
DVA Gold card holders eligible for treatment with a doctors referral.
EPC referral holders, no charge to the patient