Our mission is to enable each person we support to live as an empowered and equal citizen. We see the person, not the disability.
Scope is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to support people with physical, intellectual and multiple disabilities by helping them achieve their goals. We offer a variety of services including Therapy, Day and Lifestyle Services, and Supported Accommodation. We're passionate about providing high-quality and individualised support, currently helping more than 6,000 individuals and their families across Victoria and employing over 1,800 staff members.

Contact Details

Scope Services
Ph: (03) 5762-7121
email: benalla@scopeaust.org.au
website: http://www.scopeaust.org.au/

Site Address

Scope Benalla (Hume Regional Office)
158-160 Bridge Street East
Benalla, Victoria 3672

Operating Days & Times

Weekdays 9am - 5pm

Age Ranges

Age 0-6 Early Years
Age 17-18 Kids & Teens
Age 19-65 Adults
Age 65+ Seniors

Wheelchair Access Provided
